Wednesday 5 October 2011

Bravo to myself.........

Received a very heartbreaking news at noon today. I felt like my heart was torn into pieces. Today.....especially today, I really needed someone to talk to but I was all alone. The amazing thing is, after I received the news, I could still laugh & joke around with my friends as if nothing has happened. I even took part in the 1 Malaysia dance & danced till I was sweating. I tried so hard to act cool & calm but then, when I was alone in the washroom, tears suddenly came falling down. The tears just wouldn't stop no matter how hard I tried to control them. I cried in the washroom for 5 minutes before I finally came out. And amazingly, after all those tears, I could still chat & joke with my friends........Today, I feel so proud of myself. I was hurt & all alone but I managed to console my own self. Well done to myself!!!


  1. zie, patutla ko lama d tandas..sia ingt ko birak..hehe..jgn mare~

  2. Haha, kurang asam btul ko ni Edmundo....:-p

  3. sbb nangis tu suda cukup utk memujuk hati kita ssie... :))

  4. Agreed 100%....if we keep everything bottled up inside nanti kena depression pula kan..... :-)
