Friday 14 October 2011

Sometimes Giving Up Can Be The Best Solution........

          From now on, I will accept whatever comes my way. No matter what people say about me and no matter how they treat me, I will gladly accept everything. I'm just so tired of everything. I'm on the edge of giving up already and nothing seems to matter anymore. Right now, I hate the words 'starting over' so much that if they were objects, I wanna destroy them so that I won't have to face them ever again. Why in the first place did I think that I could start everything all over again??? Starting over is causing me more pain than before. I have known the fact that I can have everything that I desire if I sincerely work very hard except this one thing but I still keep on dreaming and wishing that one day I will be able to find it. Am I being stupid or stubborn??? How many times do I have to go through this situation before I can really learn my lesson???
          My mind and my heart are always going against each other till it's difficult for me to tell which one is good and which one is bad for me. But now, I will force myself to accept this fact. It's time for me to put myself first in whatever I more thinking of others, no more trust in the word 'true' and I wanna destroy the word 'care' from my heart......if other people can survive by doing so, why can't I!!! 

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